A turning moment / city narrative of chinese contemporary art from 1995-2019

Hongkou District


Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art

Curatorial Team

Wu Wei


15 October 2019 – 15 December 2019 (Public Project)
26 October 2019 – 15 December 2019 (Exhibition)


Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art


China is coming to a turning moment and Shanghai, the most forward-looking and explorative Chinese metropolitan, has made significant contributions to urban cultural life and international exchanges in China. Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art which sits at Duolun Road, an essential spot of contemporary literature, is the first public museum dedicated to modern art in China. It is critically connected with public spaces and public culture in Shanghai. How art museums, as a knowledge-generating space of our time, introduce modern art and international vision into local neighborhood is a highly important issue. “A Turning Moment” is the exhibition’s theme and is designed to demonstrate the insistent efforts of artists to understand and capture the complicated man-space relationship, to promote communication and hence to arouse the public to concern and think about urban fabrication, ecological environment, social life, community bonds, virtual reality and the future, in particular how to interpret and reshape the personality and life of Shanghai, the Chinese metropolitan.