
021 23132317

Exhibition Introduction

Main Exhibition

Centering on the theme, the main exhibition expresses and demonstrates the concept of SUSAS 2017 in a number of forms, offering a professional, avant garde event that is also public-friendly. Grounded in researches on the development of Shanghai, it discusses issues facing cities around the world. The exhibition boasts both multi-dimensionality and in-depth ideas.
Through site renovation, displayed items and open educational programs, the main exhibition is intended to activate and improve the venue and surrounding areas as public spaces, and promote local development.

Site Projects

Site project is an innovative feature that makes SUSAS distinct from other biennales or art exhibitions, and the best demonstration of its “practical” and “public” nature. The site projects are selected among various urban public space renovation plans and their results, which best fit the theme of SUSAS 2017. At the same time, a variety of academic and open events are held to educate the public, and raise citizens’ recognition and belonging towards improving the quality of urban public spaces. It is possible that exhibited works get permanently installed on the site.

Joint Exhibitions

Joint exhibitions are organized by social organizations that related to the theme of SUSAS, covering planning, architecture and public art. They are complementary to SUSAS events, and intended to enrich public cultural activities.

Curatorial Team


Events & Service

  • Activities and Recruitment

  • Online Exhibitions

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  • Venue