Sites projects are an essential component of SUSAS that reflects the locality of this event. They show how the districts of Shanghai, in addition to the one that holds the main exhibition, proactively respond to the theme of SUSAS in a variety of forms. As demonstrative pilots, they play key roles in promoting local urban practices. The projects feature recently completed or ongoing spatial projects, supported by exhibitions, public art and experiential activities, which thoroughly reflect the concrete results of public space development. Citizens are welcomed to feel the transformation of their spaces and the improvement of life thanks to the organic renovation of these spaces.

13 Site Projects of SUSAS 2019

These public projects, closely related to people’s daily life and involving the planning goals or key tasks of district authorities, demonstrate the results of high-standard and high-quality urban renewal in recent years.

Their themes are required to echo that of SUSAS 2019: How Waterfronts Bring Wonderful Life to People

Functional transfomation of the banks of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek /
Space improvement /
Landscape creation /
Citizens’ livelihood